Word is a lamp unto my path inspiration

Shining the Light Within: Navigating Life's Crossroads through the Word of God

In today's life we are filled with endless choices and paths to take.  Many times I find myself standing at a crossroads, unsure of which direction to go.  And as I stand there, lost in the confusion of it all, I realise that the answer is not in the multitude of options before me, but instead in the light that shines from within! 

It is understandable to desire immediate solutions or strategy for the next step to take, particularly in times of urgency (it is certainly the option I prefer in those times). However, it is important to recognize that God operates differently than a search engine. His primary focus is not solely on providing us with instant gratification, but rather on shaping and molding our character. God's perspective transcends our limited view and encompasses the larger picture, whereas we tend to only focus on the obstacles that lie ahead.

Upon realizing that I am once again at a crossroads, I turned to my prophetic art for guidance. These pieces were created following a revelatory moment in which I received direction through the Word of God during a time of need. Revisiting my art serves as a visual reminder of God's faithfulness and strengthens my faith as I navigate this new challenge.

Here's some context of the inner struggle that I am working through currently.  I hope that by being real and vulnerable in this space, that it can somehow encourage you. 

I had always been a teacher in South Africa, and was longing to get back into teaching since moving to New Zealand 5 years ago. However, my South African qualification was not recognized and I had to study all over again if this was what I really wanted to do. So I planned a path towards getting the required qualifications to become a primary school teacher. I was even helping out at a school and was accepted to do my bachelor's degree in Primary teaching for 2023. However, in November last year, I was involved in a car accident that left me with a nasty concussion and an injured shoulder. Despite my best efforts to keep teaching, I realized that it was not helping me fully recover and that I had to step down. This left me feeling confused and unsure of what to do next.

I started applying for a variety of jobs, but prayed that if it wasn't God's plan, He would close the doors. Unfortunately, all I got was rejection after rejection, which only added to my feelings of insecurity.

So I started wondering, how do we actually access this inner light? Like, when I'm feeling lost and can't see the way forward or am drowning in a pool of my own thoughts, how do I figure out what is the best decision to make or how to handle the inner conflict?

God has promised us that His Word serves as a guide, illuminating our path and showing us the way. My first step in seeking guidance should be to immerse myself in the Word of God. And while I understand that simply opening the Bible and expecting to receive a clear answer may not be realistic, I know that God impresses upon my heart small, valuable insights. He is faithful in providing these hints and nudges until I pay attention and follow His lead.

And just by making some space to get quiet and be open to hearing from the Lord, I noticed that Jeremiah 29: 11 kept coming up. "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." And I began using this scripture as my confession so that I could begin to believe what it says and stop worrying about what's next. 

Bringing light into darkness means taking the Word of God, which is light, and speaking it over the darkness that clouds our vision and prevents us from seeing the path ahead. In my own experience, the darkness was a result of the lies I had begun to believe about my future. To overcome this, I had to identify these lies and replace them with the truth found in the Word. 

I made a list of the false beliefs I had identified, so I could locate relevant passages from the Word and start speaking and believing the truth instead of the lies.The false beliefs, such as "You have never succeeded", "You cannot hear God's guidance", "You lack the abilities to be successful", acted like a barrier that hindered my ability to see clearly.

 This approach provided me with the necessary light to see the next step on my journey. Hence the reason I am writing this blog today :) This is the first of many blogs that will be added to my website. My hope is that my experiences and revelations will be an encouragement to others and will inspire you to a deeper relationship with God.

I think sometimes we get so consumed with the way things should be according to this world, that we loose sight of God's character and how much of Heaven is available to us by faith. The bible shows us in ‭‭Romans‬ ‭12‬:‭2‬ ‭NIV‬‬ “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

May God shine His light ahead of you to make your path clear. May He grant you all your heart's desires and make your plans succeed.

You can access the specific piece of art I referred to in this blog, here


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